Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Isn't it a pity?

PLEASE! Copy and paste this in your browser and listen to a beautiful song:

ERIC CLAPTON singing the Harrison song "Isn't it a Pity?"

Isn't it a pity
Now, isn't it a shame
How we break each other's hearts
And cause each other pain
How we take each other's love
Without thinking anymore
Forgetting to give back
Isn't it a pity

Some things take so long
But how do I explain
When not too many people
Can see we're all the same
And because of all their tears
Their eyes can't hope to see
The beauty that surrounds them
Isn't it a pity

Isn't it a pity
Isn't is a shame
How we break each other's hearts
And cause each other pain
How we take each other's love
Without thinking anymore
Forgetting to give back
Isn't it a pity

It's a pity when we act in any way less than loving to is a TRAGEDY when we act unkindly to those we say we love...those to whom loving should be our default setting and grace our way of life.

Someone I love wants to know how to believe in a God. I am torn. There is no "how-to" book about it. No "Six Steps to a more God-Believing You" book from Oprah to share.
I can tonight, however, say that the ONLY way we know we have fallen short of perfect love...or being able to love another perfectly (thus "Isn't it a pity?") is to have an objective perfect love to hold all others up to.

Bible scholars or not, we all know there is something out there that has to be what we fall short of.

How can we even moan and whine about those who don't love us perfectly if we have no idea of what they fall short of? We do. God's love. There can only be one example of perfect love to hold ours up to and compare it to.

It is the love of the Ultimate Parent. Not the jerky, deadbeat one that many deal with. But the standard.

We can say there is no God but our desire for perfection in our lives and loves argues that there is one.

Ultimately, I have nothing more to argue for God and His perfect love other than my sincere and yet flawed reflection of it and Him in my own how I love others.

I love you. And the very best times and expressions of my love for you are only a tiny hint of God's perfect love.

The love that says I would rather die for you than not live in you.

SCARY NEWS FLASH: Jesus is God in the flesh and He died for you and rose again...and yet I'm the best most wonderful chance for you to see Him as real. Isn't it a pity?

I'll let you down. I'll say the wrong thing at the wrong time (mostly because I never stop talking do I?---will he ever shut up, you must think so often) Isn't it a shame?

I'll try too hard and fail and you will say, "If Chris can't convince me after all his years of 'God stuff' than I guess no one can."

It's a pity and shame but I will just have to say "I'm sorry...I will do my best"

And love you.

There must be a God of some kind that, by the definition of God being perfect and loving, has provided us instinctually with the knowledge of right and wrong. Only "intellectuals" have the balls to say that everyone makes their own rules...that "what's right for you might not be right for me"...sounds politically correct and all but what happens is that we find if we are honest that certain things are "true for all of us"...such as rape being wrong, or uncaring fathers and mothers, or hurting the see, THEN we are saying that there MUST be SOME things that are always right and always wrong. In that situation we must be intellectually honest enough to see that we are all so messed up that there is no way we came up with the concept of "good vs evil" had to come from OUTSIDE the system we live in. A being outside of the universe and it's failings as we know them, must be that God.

Now...I believe that God showed us about His attributes and self through the Bible...and through Jesus. Look at them...Read the Gospels. Did Jesus act and speak in a way that would be consistent with what we want to believe is the best? Is God? Give Him a chance.


  1. There must be a God of some kind that, by the definition of God being perfect and loving, has provided us instinctually with the knowledge of right and wrong. Only "intellectuals" have the balls to say that everyone makes their own rules...that "what's right for you might not be right for me"...sounds politically correct and all but what happens is that we find if we are honest that certain things are "true for all of us"...such as rape being wrong, or uncaring fathers and mothers, or hurting the see, THEN we are saying that there MUST be SOME things that are always right and always wrong. In that situation we must be intellectually honest enough to see that we are all so messed up that there is no way we came up with the concept of "good vs evil" had to come from OUTSIDE the system we live in. A being outside of the universe and it's failings as we know them, must be that God.

    Now...I believe that God showed us about His attributes and self through the Bible...and through Jesus. Look at them...Read the Gospels. Did Jesus act and speak in a way that would be

  2. A God without wrath brought men without sin into a Kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a Cross.

    --H. Richard Niebuhr
